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Story Splitting

This section will give learners a helpful tool to split big stories into small stories using Mountain Goat Software's SPIDR approach to splitting stories.


  • Learners will have a tool to split stories



SPIDR is an approach to splitting stories that was popularized by Mountain Goat Software. It uses the following methods to split a large story: 1. Spikes - Use sparingly, but this is a time-boxed research activity that will help a team learn more about a concept before proceeding. 2. Paths - Break a story down by paths through the system, think happy path here. You can add more complex paths that work in more scenarios in future sprints or subsequent stories. 3. Interfaces - Think web vs mobile vs desktop here. 4. Data - break your story down by which data points you collect and process. 5. Rules - break a story down by business rules that will be implemented. You can use human-processing to handle more complex situations until the system is smart enough to handle the situations on its own.

Notes from the past