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Agile Rising (~1 hour)


  • Learner will understand the origins of Scrum
  • Learner will understand the difference between Agile/Scrum/Lean


  • Agile Principles Hashtag


From Lean -> Scrum -> Agile (10m)

Discuss the history of Agile, dating back to Taiichi Ohno's Lean Manufacturing in the 1950s, to the foundation of Scrum in the 1990s, and to the development of the Agile Manifesto in 2001. Discuss how Lean Manufacturing focuses on eliminating waste, value stream analysis, and Single Piece Continuous Flow. The goal of Lean Manugacturing is to get teams to focus.

Discuss how Scrum focuses on iterative planning, shared goals, and the Empirical Process. Session 2 goes into more depth into the Empirical Process. Emphasize that the Agile Manifesto came after the creation of Scrum.

Discuss how the Agile Manifesto transformed values, redefined success, and focuses on collaboration. You may tell the story of how the Agile Manifesto began during a smoke break from Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time. Highlight that a team is not the sum of its parts, but the multiplication of its parts.

Agile Manifesto and the 4 Values (10m)

Discuss the four values and the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto. Emphasize that the most important value is Individuals and Interactions. The answer to how do I solve this problem in Scrum is to focus on good human interactions.

Use real-world examples to illustrate each of the four values.

Breakout 3 (Agile Principles Hashtag) (20m)

During this breakout activity, each team will have 15 minutes create a hashtag in the appropriate team square for each of the 12 Agile principles that represents the principle. After creating a hashtag for each principle, the team will choose their favorite hashtag and the tag that they struggled with the most.

Facilitate a discussion with each team about their favorite hashtags and their most challenging hashtags. Ask why this hashtag was their favorite and why was the challenging hashtag difficult.

Notes from the past