Scrum Patterns are the difference between mediocre and high-performing teams. We use a teachback approach to training your learners on the Scrum Patterns from
This is a chance for you to get a little 'breather', as this section gives learners a lot of time in their breakout rooms working as a team Point out that Patterns are not a part of The Scrum Guide
- Learners understand what the Scrum Patterns are, and how they work
- Learners can speak more deeply to at least one Pattern
-Scrum Patterns (40 min
Scrum Patterns
What is a Pattern? These are things we see happening in the world. Share the site.
Breakout 2
Assign each Team a pattern (always assign 'Quantum Entanglement')
- Teams go to their breakout rooms and reads through their pattern (be available to answer questions!)
- Teams will each give a teachback (via MIRO, a skit, an activity, etc, of their own choosing) on their patterns
- Debrief
Go back and read/discuss any patterns that didn't get assigned
Pattern Teachbacks. Fill in any blanks that might have been missed by your teams. Praise your learners and gently correct if needed.
Fill in any missing patterns