The Scrum Roles section will outline the roles and responsibilities of the three roles in Scrum as well as the characteristics of great Developers, Scrum Masters, and Product Owners.
- Learners will understand the characteristics of great Scrum practitioners
- Learners will understand the roles and responsibilities of each Role in Scrum
- Who Does It Now breakout
Who Does What in Scrum?
This will setup the breakout activity. Connect learners with what they know about Project Management and explain that while most everything that is done in an organization to manage a project will be done in Scrum, it will be done by different people and in different ways.
Who Does it Now Breakout
1. Part 1 of the activity is to brainstorm as many roles performed by a Project Manager and list those on post it notes
2. Once the team brainstorms roles, have them pull the other roles from the right side of the activity board into the list
3. Part 2 will be to move each of the roles and responsibilities into the "who does it now" board and place it in the diagram under which role, or combination of roles, performs the work in Scrum
4. Recap by having your learners review a potential answer key and having them ask questions about the board
What makes a great Product Owner
Cover the characteristics of a great Product Owner.
- Inspiring communicator
- Decisive
- Relentlessly Prioritizes
- Available (50% to team, 50% to users)
- Deep domain knowledge
What makes a Great Scrum Master
We use Kareem Harbet's Gem of a Scrum Master for this.
Great Scrum Masterrs are:
- Facilitators
- Leaders
- Craftspeople
- Catalysts
- Coaches
- Courageous
What makes a great Developer Team
Stress that everyone (PO/SM/DEV) comprise the team, but the Developers are the ones that DEVELOP Solutions.
Great Developers are
- T-Shaped, explain what that means
- Self-managing
- Collaborative
- Own Quality
- Are Small (in team size, not stature)